
“Thank You” Music Video

A tribute to his family and home, H. Rao delivers a heartfelt song that gives you the feels. Using a combination of kinetic typography, stock video and home videos I did my best to capture the emotion and nostalgia of the lyrics.

“The Greatest”
Lyric Video

Another video for H. Rao, this time though only focusing on the lyrics and using kinetic typography for the lyrics.

Replica Intro

Every company needs to explain what they do. But how does someone accurately and visually communicate land use data? How about gathering that data and what it’s used for? Well after a long process of wire-framing, iterations of designs and then finding an animation group to make it the real deal, we landed here.

This project was done during my time as Brand Manager at Replica.

Lazy Projector

Made through my company YupYup Design, my wife and I did a full animation for Lazy Projector’s single “Windows.”

You can find out more about YupYup here

Animations &
Fun Things

Bits and pieces of well done motion from a variety of projects and clients.


Music Artwork


Passions, Projects